The High Throughput Facility at the Department of Biology, University of Padova is available for use of VIMM researchers at fixed rates. This infrastructure is suitable for a variety of fixed and live cell applications, allowing even time lapse experiments.
The High Throughput Facility @Unipd includes:
1) The operetta High Content Imaging System equipped with a Plate handler Package, 14 Positions plate shelf, Cell incubator, heavy duty lab workstation with shield, Operetta Heavy duty Lab cart.
2) Two Harmony software licences and Columbus Server (5 perpetual software licences), with the following PE proprietary patents WO2013068781, WO2013068780, WO2013038225 for image analysis, and WO2013038224 for PhenoLOGIC applications.
3) Precision XS pipetting system (Biotek) for sample preparation.
4) Qiacube for automated Miniprep preparation.
Details on the High Throughput Service and the rates for VIMM researchers can be found here: