VIMM Trainee Seminars are weekly short seminars held by our junior trainees on Fridays. The spirit of the initiative is to offer our students and postdocs a peer-to-peer time to networking, improve communication skills and get feedbacks on ongoing projects. In addition, during the same time slot, we will now have bi-monthly “Meet-the-
The Scientific Board and the Institute takes pride in training and mentoring brilliant scientists of the future; engaging in off-the-bench scientific discussions is instrumental for your professional growth. The board warmly encourage to attend these seminars on a regular basis.
h 13:00 Virtual Seminar
Miriam Celli
Corbetta Lab
Resting-State EEG Signatures of Visual Exploration Styles
h 13:00 Virtual Seminar
Silvia Angiolillo
Elvassore Lab
Cellular population dynamics shape the route to human pluripotency
Martina Baraldo
Blaauw Lab
Skeletal muscle mTORC1 regulates neuromuscular junction stability
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