Author Archives Press

  • The role of a specific protein, PKA (protein kinase A), is essential in some types of cells for autophagy. Autophagy is the physiological process through which our cells get rid of damaged components. This discovery could open new therapeutic strategies for degenerative diseases and tumors. This is the result achieved by the recently published study, conducted by […]

  • Three high profiles to choose an equally high profile: the new VIMM Scientific Director. The Foundation for Advanced Biomedical Research has chosen Professor Alberto Mantovani, Director of Humanitas Research Institute of Milan, Professor Maria Grazia Roncarolo, Director of the Institute for Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine of Stanford CA, and Prof. Giuseppe Remuzzi, Director […]

  • VIMM postdoctoral researcher affiliated with Luca Scorrano’s group, Akiko Omori, won a research grant from the Umberto Veronesi Foundation, with an experimental project against prostate tumors. More specifically, Dr. Omori’s goal is to identify a new therapeutic approach for patients affected by prostate tumors that do not resolve with the conventional administration of antiandrogenic drugs. […]

  • Fighting a genetic eye disease that leads to progressive blindness: Schnyder’s corneal dystrophy (SCD). This is the aim of Massimo Santoro‘s research project, who is professor at University of Padua and Principal Investigator at Advanced Biomedical Research Foundation – VIMM. Telethon Foundation has guaranteed its team a loan of 240 thousand euros for the three-year […]

  • At VIMM, even scientific findings seem to believe in gender equality. After the pioneering study conducted by professors Francesco Pagano and Andrea Alimonti, which reveals a lower risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection in men with prostate cancer undergoing androgen deprivation therapies, a new VIMM research highlights the same dynamics also in case of women. Among the […]

  • Neurons that mature too quickly underlie brain pathologies, particularly human intellectual disability. At first glance, it might seem counterintuitive. Instead it is the important result obtained from a study conducted by Claudia Lodovichi‘s team, Principal Investigator at VIMM and researcher at the Institute of Neuroscience (CNR), just published in PNAS-Proceedings of the National Academy of […]

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