
VIMM researchers have full access to the Electron Microscopy facility located at the Dept. of Biology of the University of Padua. The facility is equipped with state of the art Transmission and Scanning electron microscopes and skilled technicians perform all the steps from sample preparation to image acquisition.

Electron Microscopy

electron microscope

Details on the Service, the available libraries and the rates for VIMM investigators can be found here:


Opening times: Monday to Friday, from 9 am to 5 pm

The UNIPD laboratory has the following equipment:

  • Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) FEI Tecnai G2 equipped with a side-mounted camera Olympus Veleta and a bottom-mounted camera TVIPS F114
  • FEI Vitrobot Mark III
  • Ultramicrotomes: LKB Ultrotome III, LKB Ultrotome V, Reichert-Jung Ultracut 70170
  • Carbonator Edwards E12E4
  • Sputter coater / glow discarge Edwards S150B
  • Critical point dryer Polaron CDP7501